February 15, 2025
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Fiji NGOs that we support

Fiji NGOs play a critical part in developing society, improving local communities, and advancing citizen participation.

One of our mission at FijiGuide is to support Fiji’s growing civil society and promote the good works of organizations that have been recommended to us by readers and/or contributors.

In this regard we are happy to promote the activities of NatureFiji-MareqetiViti — Fiji’s only domestic NGO working solely for the conservation and sustainable management of Fiji’s unique natural heritage. Not only is this org doing great things on the ground but its endeavors are supported by credible international orgs such as the David and Lucille Packard Foundation and Birdlife International.

To quote their website:

NatureFiji-MareqetiViti’s mission is to enhance biodiversity and habitat conservation, endangered species protection and sustainable use of natural resources of the Fiji Islands through the promotion of collaborative conservation action, awareness raising, education, research and biodiversity information exchange.

Their programs include:

The Delaisavu colony on Gau island is the world’s largest documented colony of the Collared petrel (Pterodroma brevipes). This year, NatureFiji-MareqetiViti, Lomani Gau Initiative and Birdlife International continue our commitment to work with communities on Gau island and the David and Lucille Packard Foundation to reduce the threat of cat and rat predation on the Collared Petrel

If you have an NGO you support, please let us know.

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